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Data Engineer
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Important: At this time we are only accepting applications from those based in mainland Europe. Where are you located? *
I am currently in Gibraltar or commuting distance to Gibraltar
I am in mainland Europe and happy to work remotely
Please explain the difference between RANK() and DENSE_RANK() without Googling it. *
Without Googling it, what is normalisation in SQL? *
Without Googling it, what is star schema in data warehouse modelling? *
Without Googling it, what SQL function can be used to return the first non-null value from a set of fields? *
Have you held a similar role in the past or have demonstrable professional experience with data? *
Do you have previous experience of working in the gaming/gambling industry?
First Name *
Last Name
Email *
Phone *
CV *
Confirm that you have read and agree to our Applicant Privacy Notice:
I confirm and agree
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Have you been referred by someone who works at Lottomart?
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